SAP HANA Cloud vs. AWS

February 22, 2022

SAP HANA Cloud vs. AWS

As businesses look to move their applications to the cloud, they often face the dilemma of choosing the cloud hosting provider that meets their needs. Two prominent players in the cloud hosting space are SAP HANA Cloud and Amazon Web Services (AWS). So, which one should you choose?


The first major factor to consider is pricing. SAP HANA Cloud offers a usage-based pricing model, where customers pay only for the resources they use. In contrast, AWS offers a wide range of pricing options, including pay-as-you-go, reserve instances, and spot instances. While both models have their benefits, it is essential to evaluate your specific needs and usage patterns to determine which option is more cost-effective.


When it comes to performance, SAP HANA Cloud has a reputation for being lightning-fast. SAP claims that its cloud hosting solution can deliver 12TB of memory and 224 vCPUs, making it an ideal choice for high-performance applications. AWS, on the other hand, offers a wide range of machine types, allowing customers to fine-tune their computing resources based on their needs.

Ease of Use

SAP HANA Cloud offers a user-friendly interface, making it easy for developers and IT professionals to spin up and manage cloud-hosted applications quickly. AWS, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve, with a vast array of services and features that can be overwhelming for new users. However, AWS's comprehensive documentation and support structure make it easier for users to get up to speed quickly.


Both SAP HANA Cloud and AWS offer robust security measures to protect customer data. SAP HANA Cloud provides data encryption, secure network connections, and role-based access control. AWS, on the other hand, offers a broad range of security services, including firewalls, high-security data centers, and identity and access management tools.


Both SAP HANA Cloud and AWS are excellent cloud hosting solutions, and the best option for your business depends on your specific needs. When evaluating these providers, it's essential to consider factors such as pricing, performance, ease of use, and security. Some businesses may find that SAP HANA Cloud's agility and speed are critical, while others may prefer AWS's flexibility and greater cost-effectiveness.


  1. SAP (2022). SAP HANA Cloud [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Feb. 2022].
  2. Amazon (2022). Amazon Web Services [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Feb. 2022].

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